BMW M240i Coupe

Back in March we were looking for a used BMW M235i Coupe. But making a long story short, we ended up buying a brand new M240I Coupe instead. We got a very good deal on the new car, that we couldn’t resist.

BMW had delivery problems in May, due to failing sub-deliveries from Bosch. This caused delays for more than 8000 cars and the plant in Leipzig, where the 2 series are built, was hit the most by this.

We had expected some delays on our car because of this, so Wednesday morning when the dealer called me to let me know that our car has arrived, I was very exited… We got the car already Friday afternoon. So guess what we have been doing this weekend 🙂

The first couple of thousand kilometers needs be driven with a light foot – not easy knowing there is 340hp waiting to be let loose 🙂

We have been cruising around on country roads and I managed to get a few shots of our new car in the alps.

So far it looks like we got just all the right extras and we are extremely happy with it. Well, we have only driven 800km in it so far, so we are still in the “honeymoon” phase. But, I’m sure we will enjoy driving it for many years…

Celebrating our 10 years wedding anniversary

On February 24th we had our 10 years wedding anniversary and we drove of to the Black Forest to celebrate it.

After a lot of road work and traffic jams on the A8 autobahn, we arrived a bit late at Berghotel Mummelsee.

We got a pleasent surprise as the room was big and cozy.

It was even suited with a proper lounge corner, which we normally miss when staying at a hotel.

As we got in a bit late, we decided to get dinner in the room. The restaurant prepared a delicious Black Forest Burger with local ingredients for us.

The hotel is located next to a smal lake, Mummelsee, one of the most visited lakes in Baden-Württemberg.

We were out for a drive and decided to cross the Rhine to France, as it’s been a long time since our last visit to France 🙂

We crossed a bridge with a big sluice system and stopped to shoot a few photos.

The gates are quite impressive…

On our way home we made a stop in Sasbachwalden, a small village on the mountain side. They are famous for their wine and after a local wine tasting, Mette bought 6 bottles of their white wine.

Driving up the mountain, it started to rain and the temperature dropped quickly. As we got closer to the hotel, the rain transformed into snow and the temperature went below 0C. I learned that this would be the last winter season on the current winter tires – I had to disable traction control on the Mini and just let it run at 2.000 rpm in second gear until we got to the top. A few other cars had to give up and drive down the mountain again, where as a few others passed us as if the road was clear.

Back at the hotel we enjoyed a cup of coffee and a local cake. Of course I had to try the Schwarzwälder Kirschtorten – which is a Schwarzwald speciality – nomnomnom 🙂

On the last morning, we woke to this beautiful view. It was time to pack our bags and head home again.

Schwarzwald will for sure be on the list to explore more in the future.

Finest Spirits 2017 in Munich

Today I was at the Finest Spirits Festival in Munich, with some colleagues and friends from work.

We tasted A LOT of great whisky, rum, gin and other spirits. Even though it was only 2cl per glass, we got quite a lot over the course of the day 🙂

I ended up buying yet another local Bavarian whisky from Chiemsee, made by Kymsee Whisky 🙂

And for my wife I bought a Munich gin from Feel! Munich Dry Gin

If you are in Munich next year when the next Finest Spirits Festival takes place, I can highly recommend to visit it.

Here are some impressions, that I managed to shoot between the tastings…

Hasselblad magazine trap seal fix

As discovered on our Olympiadorf photowalk my second magazine had an issue.

I ordered 2 new trap seal kits made by Dirk Werner in USA.

First remove the top plate from the magazine.

Then carefully place the new trap seal and tug in the foam.

Easy fix if you don’t have 10 thumbs…

Old vs. new. It took me 5-10 minutes to change the trap seal. Now I have a spare for my other magazine, just in case…